One to One Motorcycle Licence Training Day


Fully bespoke, one-to-one motorcycle training with an expert instructor from our senior team here at BMW Rider Training, focused on preparing you for DVSA Motorcycle assessments.

Ideal for those looking to fit training around busy schedules, or for assessment purposes before joining one of our course programmes.

What's included - and what's not?

This course includes:

  • Full-day training session (inc. weekends & Bank Holidays)
  • All protective clothing
  • Motorcycle hire from our fleet of BMW models, inc. insurance & fuel
  • Full riding assessment by our expert instructors
  • Tailored 1:1 tuition to meet your individual needs and personal objectives

What is the training style like?

You will be training with one of our senior instructors with extensive experience, specialising in more focused training methods, to ensure you're maximising your learning opportunities. These sessions are exclusively 1:1 with an instructor, and are available as a single day of training or a short continuous course as required.

Starting with discussion on what you'd like to achieve during the day, our expert instructor will then carry out an assessment ride to gauge your current riding abilities. From there, the tuition will be fully tailored to your personal needs and objectives.

We'll combine theory and practical riding, to make sure all techniques sink in well. Depending on the skills we're focusing on, you'll have a thorough introduction on our private training facility, before moving onto the road under the guidance of our senior instructors. You will experience a varied range of conditions and environments, with real-time feedback via live communications system for immediate improvements.

At the end of the day, you will review the session with your instructor. They will advise if you are test-ready, and what options are available for booking a DVSA Motorcycle Test with us.

If you are only just starting your journey towards gaining your motorcycle licence, they will advise what steps you should take next, and recommend a training programme personal to your needs to achieve your riding goals.

No matter what level you are starting from, our focus is that you will finish the day having furthered your riding skill set and gained more confidence in your riding ability.

What is the course schedule like?

While it may vary slightly between each of our training centre locations*, you can expect course days to start around 9am, and finish between 3:30-4pm.
*Confirmed times for your chosen location will be sent to you as part of your confirmation email once booked.

There is a break for lunch, as well as short rest breaks interspersed throughout the day.

What techniques will I learn?

During the training, the topics of study are not fixed as we will monitor and adjust this throughout the day to meet the needs of each unique student. However, the following gives an indication of our most commonly requested elements to focus on with previous students...

  • Slow speed riding control and balance
  • Cornering analysis and execution – a systematic approach
  • Manual handling – how to move your bike around without the engine running
  • Overtaking and or filtering – a systematic approach.
  • Theory refresher session
  • Use of gears and brakes to improve riding smoothness and confidence
  • Fundamentals of defensive riding
  • Slow control and manoeuvring exercises
  • Emergency stop, braking and avoidance exercises

What about booking my DVSA Motorcycle Test?

These One-to-One training days are fantastic preparation for a DVSA practical test, focused on developing your skills and confidence before attempting the assessments. 

They are simply the first step in a programme of motorcycle licence training options. As such, to ensure that students are sufficiently prepared without undue pressure, they do not include a DVSA Module One or Module Two practical test. 

However, there is no need to book your eventual test separately. We offer a number of follow-on options, where we take care of everything for you, including the DVSA tests and any associated fees. 

Click here to see our next-step training courses with DVSA Motorcycle tests included.