Why is Advanced Motorcycle Training Important?
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Why is Advanced Motorcycle Training Important?

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Why is Advanced Motorcycle Training Important?

Why is Advanced Motorcycle Training Important?

Let’s be clear about this, advanced training is not about riding fast or being able to ride like a police rider. So what is it, and what’s the point?

It comes down to one simple concept - ‘Be Better’.

  • At the correct speed,
  • In the most appropriate road position
  • In the best gear to account for all hazards seen and more importantly unseen.

There should be no surprises! That is what makes an advanced rider.

When looking at taking your skills beyond the basic DVSA requirements, the key areas to focus on are:

  1. Slow riding skills.
    These are vital, and the decision-making time and confidence gained out on real-world roads is worth all the practice time you put in.
  2. Road positioning.
    Learning to be both efficient and safe as a vulnerable road user, whilst balancing out the opportunity to see more.
  3. Control skills.
    Throttle, brake and gears; how to use them effectively at all times, irrespective of terrain or situation.
  4. Observation skills.
    Once you have achieved your motorcycle licence and the core basic riding skills have become muscle-memory, improving your observation skills will take your riding to the next level. The goal is to see the problem or opportunity before it even occurs - no crystal ball required.

All of these skills are perishable, and if not practiced and refined, they deplete. Even the most incredibly talented riders aren't born with these skills, they're honed over years of regular, further training.

We all need guidance to understand this better, to ensure we are doing the right thing to not only keep us safe, but to also enjoy and get the very best out of our riding.

Each and every time you ride with an effective instructor, you should leave a considerably better rider, with new approaches and techniques to put in place for the road ahead.

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